February Content Ideas, Marketing Strategy Suggestions, and More!

Are you ready to dive into February with a bang? We're here to help you navigate the month with some killer content ideas, strategy suggestions, and a sprinkle of inspiration. Whether you're managing social media accounts, crafting newsletters, or curating blog posts, these tips will set you on the right path. Let's get started and mark those calendars!

Noteworthy Dates in February

First things first, let's highlight some upcoming dates in February that could inspire your content:

Mark your calendars! ✏️  

Above are what I personally consider to be note-worthy days coming up in February. Each month, I research upcoming recognized dates, considering how they may impact or influence content I create for the DGB brand or our partners. Every brand is different, so dates that feel special or important to recognize will look differently for each brand. 

If you consider yourself a people + planet first brand, as in you care about weaving planetary good into the fabric of what your brand stands for, then chances are there is some importance here with considering upcoming dates and how it may influence what you share in your marketing efforts.

One thing that I have been doing for almost as long as i've been in business for myself is also taking into account astrological happenings when planning out my months.  Many of the brands that we create content for also are into astrological planning, so we often weave astro-happenings into the content calendars we create for our partners. I find this to be incredibly supportive because astrology can help us gain insights into upcoming energetic themes and topics…and can also help us make sense of personal as well as collective experiences.  It can also help us create a sense of structure and flow to our months, as New Moons are traditionally a great time for setting intentions and goals and laying a foundation to grow from for the next lunar cycle.  Full Moons are a middle-cycle pause time, where it's good to analyze and reflect on our progress, making adjustments and tweaks as needed. 

February is going to be a pretty solid month for focusing on action taking and moving ourselves forward toward whatever it is that we envision.  Make sure you are clear about what it is you are trying to accomplish this month and in months to come and detail out the actions you want/need to practice to help you with that vision. This is also a heavy seed planting season, literally and figuratively! Right now I am prepping and planning my garden at my home here in Portland, OR…and i'm also prepping and planning the projects I want to nurture and grow for the DGB brand. What seeds are you planting right now?

What's Working in Digital Marketing?

Now, let's address the burning question: What's working in digital marketing right now? Here are some trends and examples to consider:

  • Imperfect & Relatable Videos: Authenticity is key.

  • Captivating Carousels: Utilize strong copy and storytelling techniques.

  • Educational Content: Provide real value to your audience.

  • Interactive Content: Engage your audience with quizzes, polls, and more.

Examples to Inspire You

Here's a roundup of some of our favorite content that fits the bill for the above styles…


Example one (top row, left corner): This design by deardarling is a great example of a very creative and unique approach to a value-based & inspirational carousel.  The hand drawn nature of the carousel makes it feel warm & inviting, the top of shared from the perspective of storytelling, making it easy to relate to. The caption continues a storytelling vibe, helping to avoid too much copy on the slides.


Example two (top row, middle): Created by Herbal Academy, I just adore this very interactive infographic style piece! The best part is that they encourage folks to download + print the design to try the scavenger hunt out in real life. This is a great example of interactive and engaging content done well because it's something that their niche would actually want to participate in!


Example 3 (top row, right corner): If you're not following Storytale, you're missing out on some majorly helpful copywriting advice! This piece is not only a great example of an engaging and hyper-helpful carousel, the content itself is majorly informative! This is also a wonderful example of SIMPLE layouts being really effective in getting the point across.  When we create carousels, we want to be incredibly mindful of readability!


Example 4 (bottom row, left): One of the toughest types of content to create right now is direct promotional. Reason being: the game is a bit rigged! Most of the marketing platforms we use are pushing for us to pay to play.  When we share promotional content, the chances of getting a decent reach and engagement on it drops.  This just means that we need to get creative with how we are designing our promotional content as well as creating promotional content in a way that makes the most sense for the platform you are creating for.  Example: Creating promotional marketing assets for Pinterest pins is quite a different process than, say, creating for Instagram. This example by ilovecreatives is a very creative promotional carousel using both static and video designs that I found to be designed extremely well.  The ‘salesy’ part is NOT the focus, the thing they are selling IS!


Example 5 (bottom row, middle): This is actually an example from one of the brands we manage, RockswithSass! There feed is FULL of great content styles, but I wanted to specifically highlight a video here. This video was great because it gave a really fun behind the scenes look into their Shop, their products, and related to current themes that are hot within their industry. This is a good example of combining promotional with relatable content, which automatically helps improve reach and engagement!


Example 6 (bottom row, right): Our final example is also featuring one of the brands we manage, Mollie Birney.  Mollie is a great example of creating text-heavy content in thoughtful, interactive and engaging ways.  The nature of Mollie's brand requires us to create a lot of text-focused content.  In order to do so in way that isn't boring but rather quite relatable, we focus on the layout and positioning of typography, the accents attached with copy, and the sizing of copy.  This is a great post example that is also promotional, but we left the promotion in the caption instead of on the designs. Mollie also has a lot of great examples on her feed of relatable and authentic video content that I recommend checking out!


As you navigate February, keep these insights in mind to create compelling content that resonates with your audience. Whether you're embracing astrological influences or crafting engaging videos, remember to stay true to your brand's voice and values. Happy marketing! 🚀

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