Learn How To Be More Consistent At Marketing Your Business

More likely than not, we already understand the importance consistency plays in helping us to achieve results we desire. The concept of consistency is not a foreign one, especially in business. Consistency is one of the most important skills we can exercise as solopreneurs and brands working to grow our presence online. Yet, with the word consistency tossed around all too often, when it comes to being consistent at marketing your business, we want to understand what that actually means and how we can do so in a way that is sustainable for us. Within this article, we breakdown why consistency matters in relation to your marketing, how to redefine consistency for yourself, and ways that you can begin to become more consistent at marketing your business online. Let’s dive in!

Why consistency matters

Outside of the obvious, consistency matters for your marketing because consistent action generally producing more consistent results. Chances are that if you are a small business or solopreneur, one of your goals is to generate reliable and sustainable income for yourself. You may be someone who is working to grow a full time income or you may be someone who is working to develop a new level of profit within your business. Whatever the case may be, consistency is going to help you get there.

When it comes to consistency in marketing, I like to think of it in the same lens that I think about the power of building consistency with anything. Let’s take the example of someone who wants to prepare for a 24 hour hiking excursion that will take place on a quite difficult trail. Say you are wanting to go on a large hike, but you don’t yet feel like you are in the right physical condition to be able to accomplish the trail. What would you do to prepare? Chances are, you would set yourself up on some sort of training regimen to help you build up strength and ability to conquer the trail you want to hike. You may set a certain schedule or frame of time where you slowly increase your stamina and abilities, or you may establish a training plan to help you prepare. Whatever it is, you know that there is no way to go from 0 to 100 when tackling such a big trail, therefore you establish a strategy to help you get where you want to be. You also most likely know that it’s going to require commitment and consistency with your strategy in order to build the skills needed to accomplish hiking the trail.

Marketing consistency is not much different. The purpose of marketing our businesses typically breaks down to wanting to create awareness, trust, interest, and loyalty around our brands and offers. We can’t market our businesses one time and expect that to happen, just as we can’t expect to talk one walk and expect to be ready to hike a large trail. When we marketing our businesses, it gives us a chance to create understanding about who our brand is, what we offer in our business, and why folks should want to run in our circle. This requires us to create a quality commitment to our marketing efforts, a commitment that also is consistently practiced.

The benefits of consistency in marketing

There is endless benefits to consistency in marketing, which i’m sure you already understand hence why you’re reading this article!

Let’s look at some of my most favorite benefits…

  1. Consistent marketing helps brands stay at the forefront of people’s minds: You’re hard to forget when you’re consistently showing up in front of people

  2. Consistent marketing builds brand loyalty and trust: Trust is built, not earned through showing up inconsistently. We earn trust through consistent marketing.

  3. Consistent marketing helps to show people what they can expect from our brands and offers

  4. Consistent marketing generates consistent leads

  5. Consistent marketing gives you data to analyze so to make your marketing strategies even more effective

Without consistent marketing, it’s incredibly difficult to understand what’s working versus what’s not working with your marketing efforts. When you have inconsistent marketing, you will have inconsistent data to study to help you understand what efforts are moving you closer to your goals. This is one of the biggest benefits to consistent marketing. We must understand that it can take on average 60-90 days for a marketing strategy to start showing signs of results. If we are inconsistent, it’s going to take way longer and you may not even see any results. I see this happen often with clients I work with and social media management accounts I manage. When I audit their business and study their strategies, it becomes challenging to get a good read on what has been working for them because there isn’t any solid evidence to base things off of. If you want your marketing to be highly effective and thus drive more clients, more leads, more revenue and more impact…consistent marketing is what you want to focus on.

There are several things that I find to be the most helpful items to focus on if you are wanting to begin increasing your consistency with marketing your business.

They are…

  1. Clear brand messaging

  2. Clear brand aesthetics

  3. Clear marketing strategy

  4. Clear content plan

Ask yourself if you feel like you have the above things. If the answer is no, that is definitely where you want to start when working to be more consistent at marketing your business. Without the above things, you will most likely wind up feeling like you’re just throwing spaghetti at a wall, hoping something sticks. The above 4 items help you lay a strong marketing foundation.

Beyond the above four items, here are some additional tips to help you increase consistency with your marketing:

  1. Establish a realistic schedule for showing up that you can actually stick to

  2. Don’t stop at setting a content plan in place, take it to the next stage by establishing how and when you will create content (batching is your bff!)

  3. Make sure you establish stepping stone targets that you are working toward in your marketing, as it’s really hard to go from 0 to 100!

  4. Develop systems and workflows for your marketing so that you can streamline as much as possible (this will save you time!)

  5. Define your distribution and repurposing content strategies

  6. Work from a Macro to Micro content marketing method

  7. Narrow down your marketing channels. If you’re trying to be all the places, it’s nearly impossible to be consistent!

  8. Establish a monthly directional outline for your marketing efforts and then begin to break things down into weekly steps and areas of focus

  9. Avoid distractions!

  10. Take baby steps: Your marketing efficacy grows over time and through consistency.

I hope this article helps to get the wheels turning as you consider how you can become more consistent at marketing your business. The benefits of doing so are obvious, but the real work starts when you begin to establish a strong marketing direction that is sustainable, realistic for you, and aligns with your brand.

Need help building up a more consistent marketing strategy for your business? Check out our marketing services and reach out!

Until next time…

Natalie Brite


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